Wizard of Oz Rehearsal today: 5-7pm
Scene 5: Dorothy, Lion, Tin Man, Scarecrow, Munchkins, Guard, Oz
Munchkins from 5-6 only.
Thank y’all!
Mrs. Cearley
Panther Football update: Panther Football game vs King's Academy on Oct. 7th has been cancelled due to King's Academy being unable to play. We are currently looking for an alternate opponent and will keep you updated on a replacement game.
Good luck to our show lamb, goat, and steer exhibitors at the State Fair of Texas!
Good luck to our show heifer exhibitors at the Heart O Texas fair!
Mental Health Mondays Volume 2 - a little late this week.
Good luck to our show steer and show goat exhibitors today!
Good luck to our market lamb exhibitors today at the East Texas State Fair!
Oakwood Elementary Principal, Mr. Richardson wins the spirit stick again!!!!
Good luck to our show heifer exhibitors at the East Texas State Fair!
Mrs. Salguero's Art class is working on decorating the picnic yables that Mr. Neel's shop class built.
Happy 17th Birthday Jackson Ballard! Your Theatre Fam 💕s you!
Our September Junior Rotarians, seniors Gracie Belle Pettiette and Isaiah Jacobs, giving their speeches today at the Palestine Rotary Club meeting.
Reminder about Senior College, Career, and Financial Aid Night for seniors and parents on 9/29
Oakwood High School would like to present Senior, Miss Gracie Belle Pettiette as our Student of the Month for September 2022! Congratulations!
Mrs. Salguero sharing her knowledge of Photoshop with her Advanced Marketing class.
Congratulations Oakwood Panthers for another great win! The Panthers came out little sluggish to start the first half but was able to turn it around and came out on fire in the second half! Job well done Panthers! #TPW
Panther Football update: The Panther Football game tonight vs Coolidge will have a 7:30 pm start time. Future home football games also have been moved from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm start. We hope to see you there tonight!!! Go Panthers #TPW
Attention Parents:
Flex Monday information attached.
Pep Rally Time change
Congratulations to our Jr. High girls cross country team on making the top 5 as a team today at the Cayuga meet!
Congratulations to Jacee and Eduardo on your top 10 finish today at the Cayuga cross country meet!!