Our administration and staff members work diligently on behalf of our district. From keeping our computer systems running smoothly to making sure your child is in the right classes, they ensure that everything runs like a well-oiled machine. But the main priority of these dedicated men and women is to help your child succeed. We welcome your efforts to communicate with us and invite you to call or email us anytime.


(903) 545.2600 – Administration Phone

(903) 545.2310 – Administration Fax


Russell Holden

Russell Holden

P: (903) 545.2600
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Dr. Stephanie Johnson

Dr. Stephanie Johnson
Assistant Superintendent/ High School Principal

P: (903) 545.2140
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Mr. Richardson

David Richardson
Elementary Principal

P: (903) 545.2106
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Paul Johnston

J. J. Johnson
Athletics Director/Head Football

P: (903) 545.2600 Ext. 107
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Lori Olive

Lori Olive
District Counselor, District Testing Coordinator, HS UIL Academic Coordinator, Beta Club Adviser
P: (903) 545.2600 Ext. 203
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Vicki Stroud

Vicki Stroud
Superintendent's Secretary, Human Resources
P: (903) 545.2600
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Diana Neel

Diana Neel
Chief Financial Officer

P: (903) 545.2600 Ext 102 
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Sarah Holden

Sarah Holden
High School Secretary
P: (903) 545.2140
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Staci Tito

Staci Tito
PEIMS Coordinator
P: (903) 545.2600 Ext. 204
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Traci Bynum

Traci Bynum
Elementary Secretary
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P: (903) 545.2106

Lane Gregson

Lane Gregson
Technology Director
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Melissa Barnett

Melissa Barnett
Food Service Director
P: (903) 545.2600 Ext. 105
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Doyle Cunningham

Doyle Cunningham
Grounds & Maintenance
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Ray Cunningham

Ray Cunningham
Maintenance and Transportation Director

P: (903) 545.2600 Ext. 106
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Lilly Boxie

Tonya Sweeten
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Robert Owens

Robert Owens
Grounds and Maintenance
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Ebony Cook

Ebony Cook
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Anna Williams

Anna Williams
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